Mountain Lake Christian School is an interdenominational Pre-K through 12th grade school. Founded in 1901, MLC has a rich history and bright future. Our mission is to produce graduates who love God and are prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually to influence the world.
Find more information on the advantages of an education at Mountain Lake Christian School by navigating to the ABOUT MLC tab at the top of the page.
To request more information, navigate to the CONTACT tab. We look forward to hearing from you.
What Our Students Say
“Teachers here at MLC love teaching every subject through the word of the Lord and make everyone feel included. They make the school feel like home.”
“I think MLC is a great school because we get to talk about Jesus. I really like the teachers. They are really nice. It feels like we are a big family. The kids are really nice too, and I like making friends. The class sizes are small so we know each other really well. The cooks make really good food. I love all of the people here, and we like to have lots of fun.”
“MLC is a fun place where the teachers are fun and they teach us about God.”
“MLC combines Christianity, learning, and fun in the perfect combination.”
What Our Parents Say
“Why do I value sending my kids to MLC? Understanding that there is a Creator, who designed the whole earth and everything in it, is the foundational cornerstone to a legitimate education. It is a joy and an honor to send kids to a school where the Creator of the world is magnified and given credit for the things He has done. The staff at MLC assists us as parents in teaching our kids values that align with Scripture.”
~MLC Alumnus & Current Parent
“MLC has always been a place that feels like home. I started attending MLC when I was in 9th grade. I was very behind in math but not only did the teachers at MLC help me catch up, they instilled confidence in me! I always felt like I fit in and the teachers cared so deeply for me!
When we had kids we always knew we wanted to send our kids to MLC. I have appreciated that my kids have more one-on-one attention. Their teachers pray for them and genuinely want them to succeed. We will keep striving to make the financial sacrifice to send our kids to MLC. We know it is making a huge positive impact on their lives!”
~MLC Alumnus & Current Parent
When you have questions about MLC or your child’s education, please contact us via the form on the right or at the contact information below. We are happy to respond to any questions you may have.
Physical Address
710 11th Street North
Mountain Lake, MN 56159
Mailing Address
PO Box 478
Mountain Lake, MN 56159